Biodiversity is so important for all living things on our planet. Cabra is an urban, city adjacent community but our community supports many creatures and wonderful plants within its boundaries. Connecting Cabra received funding from the Community Foundation of Ireland to hire an ecologist to undertake a Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) for Cabra. This action plan has been published and gives great tips for enhancing biodiversity in the area. We have held biodiversity outreach events, mapping out the creatures that Cabra residents have encountered, we held a bat walk along the canal and we have tried to help increase pollinator friendly plants in our community by giving away spring bulbs, native trees and even fruit trees. We have gotten generous funding from Canada Life Reinsurance to give out free fruit trees with the hopes of developing a Cabra Orchard Project.
One of the important actions emanating from the biodiversity action plan was to increase biodiversity in Cabra by developing ponds and small wetland areas. The Bradogue River runs under parts of Cabra and if a wetland was created from this water source – we could support so much more life in our community. Some of our members work on a meadow project in the area. This is another simple but effective measure to increase biodiversity. We welcome new members to work on biodiversity projects. Positively, we have recently received £7k in grant funding from the Community Foundation of Ireland
The Biodiversity action plan report can be found in Cabra Library.